Risks and Benefits of Facelifts

risks and benefits of facelifts

In 2016, plastic and reconstructive surgery are more popular than ever. You definitely don’t need to live in L.A. anymore to know someone who just got a nose job, and you certainly don’t need to be Kylie Jenner to get lip injections. However, despite a rise in popularity, people still might not know too much about certain procedures.

For instance, when most people think of a facelift, they think of it as a costly option for an extreme makeover. Of course, there are more risks involved with getting a facelift than the risk of emptying your wallet, and there are more benefits involved than merely getting an intense makeover.

A facelift is a surgical procedure that is performed to enhance the appearance of the patient’s face in a way that is meant to give it a more youthful look. It is important to fully understand all the risks and benefits involved with a procedure especially if you might choose to undergo one someday. So, if you’ve ever thought to yourself, “Should I get a facelift?” then you should understand the risks and benefits involved with getting it, so here they are:


While there might seem like there is a lot of risks involved, it is important to keep it mind that facelifts are typically safe procedures when performed by an appropriately-trained professional, so keep then in mind when searching for a plastic surgeon.

·       There’s always the possibility of suffering from an infection following the procedure and experiencing soreness and pain, just as with any surgical treatment.

·       Since they’re making incisions in the skin, there is always a risk of excess swelling, bruising, bleeding, and fluid accumulation especially in the area of the incisions.

·       There is a chance that the wounds will heal poorly and you might suffer skin loss from the procedure.

·       You could possibly experience numbness or other changes in your skin’s sensations.

·       There is also a chance that you might experience skin complications and irregularities such as skin discoloration.

·       There is a rare chance that you could experience facial nerve injury with weakness.

·       You might also experience temporary, and sometimes even permanent, hair loss in the area of the small incisions.

·       There are all the risks associated with going under anesthesia, so it is important to understand the risks of anesthesia.

·       And lastly, of course there is a risk that you might be dissatisfied with the end result due to asymmetry or inadequate results due to other factors.


Don’t feel discouraged by the risks involved, just be aware of the possibilities. There are also plenty of benefits to undergoing a facelift procedure.

·       Enhanced appearance in the one spot everyone sees – your face! The enhancements usually involve youthful looking skin due to tighter, healthier looking skin.

·       Enhanced appearance without any noticeable scars – most facelifts are performed in a manner where there are no obvious traces of cosmetic surgery.

·       Reduce and eliminate the lines, wrinkles, and sagging in your facial skin with the ability to focus on areas such as the forehead, cheek area, eye area, neckline, and jowls.

·       Facelifts are easily and often performed in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures saving you time and money while increasing the cohesiveness of your enhancements.

·       Facelifts can be performed uniquely to each patient’s need maximizing the likelihood that they will be satisfied with their results.

·       Improved feelings about the way you look, feel, and live – there’s no need to stress over whether people can tell if you’re old, but if you do feel that stress, decreasing any stress can increase your life quality exponentially!

At the end of the day, the risks involved with getting a facelift are typically unlikely to occur, but it is important to understand the risks as they do exist. Facelifts are surgeries, and you can never be too careful when it comes to understanding the risks of a surgery you are electing to undergo. If you have any worries, questions, or concerns, don’t be hesitant in asking your doctor to see what is best for you and your needs. 

By Russell McBurnie