Everything You Need To Know About Brazilian Butt Lifts

everything you need to know about brazilian butt lifts

Plastic surgery has certainly grown in popularity and commonplace in society throughout recent years. In addition to the novel cosmetic procedures, like boob jobs, nose jobs, liposuction, etc., newer procedures are being performed all of the time leading to more and more surgeries becoming popular.

While people are getting plastic surgery on each and every part of the body, one of the most popular areas on the body to focus on right now is the buttocks. With individuals like Kim Kardashian and Nicki Minaj leading the charge, recent trends in today’s society have lead people to wanting bigger butts, rounder butts, firmer butts, and whatever other kinds of butts. Of course, if you’ve ever seen Kim’s behind, you are probably aware that getting anything close to a butt like that requires something more than an extensive gym routine and a healthy diet.

So, people that want their butt to look more like a Kardashian’s, and less like the one they already have, have started to undergo buttocks augmentation surgeries much more often in the past few years. While there are different forms and different techniques used with buttocks augmentation surgery, the Brazilian butt lift is one of the most popular types of buttocks augmentation surgery. Despite its increasing popularity, Brazilian butt lifts are relatively new to the mainstream plastic surgery world, so it’s important to make sure that you understand the basics of the procedure if you are interested in possibly getting the procedure done.

So, to start, here is everything you need to know about Brazilian butt lifts –

What is a Brazilian butt lift?

It is a type of buttocks augmentation surgery that aims to enhance the appearance of the patient’s butt by giving it more of a youthful, prominent, perky, and sensual appearance. Brazilian butt lifts (BBLs) are usually considered to be the more natural and safe alternative to getting butt implants because it lifts the buttocks using the patient’s own fat, not artificial implants.

Who is the typical candidate for Brazilian butt lifts?

People of all ages undergo Brazilian butt lift procedures. A good candidate for BBLs include both healthy men and women who are looking to alter any of the following symptoms:

·       Sagging buttocks

·       Flat buttocks

·       Asymmetrical buttocks

·       Unfavorable buttocks shape resulting from extreme weight loss

·       Small buttocks

·       Disproportionate buttocks

What are the risks involved with Brazilian butt lifts?

While there are certainly less risks and possible complications with Brazilian butt lifts when compared to receiving butt implants, there are still risks and complications that could possibly result from the procedure. Understanding the possible complications can always help to prevent them or better manage them. The common risks include:

·       Swelling and bruising

·       Fat embolism

·       Stretch marks

·       Numbness and pain

·       Hematoma

·       Partial loss of frat graft (usually due to not following post operation instructions)

·       Unfavorable visual results

What should be expected during recovery time?

The specific details of any recovery plan will depend on the particular surgeon performing the procedure and their preferred protocol. However, every recovery plan following a Brazilian butt lift should always include:

·       Strict bed rest for the first week and drink plenty of water

·       No sitting directly on the buttocks for the 3 weeks following the procedure

·       No driving for the 3 weeks following the procedure

·       No working for 3 weeks following the procedure (minimum 2 weeks, but only if job does not involve sitting0

·       At least one follow-up appointment 6-8 days after the procedure

·       Must wear a compression garment for the first two weeks following the procedure (24 hours per day)

You should be set to resume all normal activities 4 weeks after your procedure, but there might still be a small amount of swelling that could last for up to 6-8 weeks after the procedure.

How much does a Brazilian butt lift cost?

Plastic surgeons can offer BBLs anywhere within a very wide range of costs. The cost of a Brazilian butt lift often ranges between $4,000 and $15,000. These prices vary depending on certain factors such as location, the doctor and their specific surgeon fee, and what the listed cost includes. This can make figuring out the total cost of the procedure very difficult as there are many different costs and fees that need to be accounted for.

Because of this, make sure that you know the total cost of your procedure by determining the cost of everything that needs to be included. The total cost of your BBL will most likely need include the surgeon’s fee, the operating room fee, the anesthesia fee, the cost of the post-operation appointments, the recovery garments, and the additional cost of any extra liposuction areas if needed.

At the end of the day, understanding the ins and outs of Brazilian butt lifts is a must in order to ensure that you’re on a path toward a successful procedure. Often times, people rush into plastic surgery and it can easily lead to regret. By taking the time to learn about the procedure and all of its aspect, you can be more certain that you are following the appropriate path. Remember, plastic surgery is still surgery, so you need to treat it with care, patience, and understanding. Since there is quite a bit to know about Brazilian butt lifts, always remember that you can ask your plastic surgeon or health care provider for any clarifications or any questions you would like to be answered.

By Russell McBurnie